aaaaa! bsk udah skolah. gila cpet amt ya ni lburan. kaga mnikmati gua. lburan apaan niiiih?! sbel sbel sbel!! tgs mat blm slese. gw jg blom dpt bule. mampus aja deh! lgian ga pntg amt sih ngsih tgs. dsruh wwncara bulee?? buset! mna prtanyaannya amt sgt tidak important sekali. pusing ga sih lo klo dksih tgs kya gtu?? liat nih dftar prtanyaannya :
- If you had only 24 hours to live, what would you do?
- If you could ask God any one question, what would it be?
- If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?
- If you had 25-hour days (while everyone else continued to have 24-hour days), what would you do with the extra time?
- If you had to choose between a wonderful romantic relationship that would end after only a year, or a so-so relationship that would last your entire life, which one would you choose?
- If you saw your zipper was down and people had noticed, what would you do? *bule ny bakal jawab ga ya?*
- If you were to be stranded on an island, which 3 things would you bring with you?
- If you had a chance to choose a poor (man/woman) as a (husband/wife) from your culture or a rich (man/woman) from another culture, which would you choose?
- If you had time machine and you could be transported to any time, the past or the future. What time would you choose?
- What if your cell phone fell in the toilet, what would you do?
pusing deh gw! ada yg tw ga klo mo nyri bule dmn?? ksh tw gw dong. ud bngung nih mo cari dmn. yg muncul mlh ide" aneh xS tw ah bodo amt gw. sbnerny mslh utama ny tu bkn tmpt nyari bule, tp KAPAN TUGASNYA DIKUMPUL?? itu lah our main problem. hahaha. pkokny gw cm bs berserah kpd Yesus, tubuh roh dan jiwaku -_-
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cantiknya yang punya blog ini..
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